Commons Stack

Visual Identity
Web Design

Impact of our work

The redesigned Commons Stack website has had a significant positive impact. It now clearly communicates the project's goals, achievements, publications, and partnerships, making complex information accessible to a wider audience. The professional design has attracted more public attention, increasing the project's legitimacy.

The website effectively engages potential investors by providing all the necessary information for informed decisions. Additionally, it has become a key platform for recruiting contributors, researchers, and other professionals, thereby strengthening the community.


The Commons Stack team recently embarked on a major rebranding effort to update their visual identity, messaging, and overall positioning. As part of this rebranding, they needed a new website that would showcase their values, highlight their achievements, and provide valuable educational content. This website would serve as the central hub for the community to engage with the Commons Stack mission.


The project faced several key challenges, including the need for clear communication to effectively convey the Commons Stack's goals, findings, achievements, publications, and partnerships in an accessible way. Establishing brand legitimacy was also crucial, requiring the creation of a professional-looking website to attract public attention and legitimize the project.

Additionally, the site needed to engage investors by serving as a persuasive tool, providing all necessary information for informed decision-making. Finally, the website aimed to support recruitment by attracting contributors, researchers, and other professionals to join the project.


To address these challenges, our team executed a multi-phase project plan. We started with a kickoff meeting to clarify goals, reviewed brand guidelines, and developed a project scope and timeline. During the design phase, we created wireframes, visual mockups, and website copy, incorporating client feedback.

After finalizing the design, we built the website on Webflow, conducted testing, and optimized performance. We launched V1 of the website on July 4th 2023 and monitored it post-launch to address any immediate issues.

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"The team delivered beautiful designs and a compelling narrative that showcases what we've done and are doing. Kudos for the quality work!"

Tamara Helenius


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